
At Lollipop Nursery & Day Care, We Provide A Home Away From Home
Where Children Learn Through PLAY.

Problem-based learning in a

Language rich and

Active environment for ther the

YYoung minds

Learning Enviroment

Chupa Chups

ChupaChups is designed to encourage a baby’s innate curiosity and to improve their sensory perceptions through play. Age appropriate activites such as mark making, dough play, lacing, sensory activities, block building and fun workouts are included in the daily plan to help their growth and development.

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Tootsie Pops

Tootsie Pops is designed to educate toddlers on the basics of the world they live in through words, sounds and actions, thus sharpening their senses and improving their skill of communicating through play.

Dum Dum Pops

Dum Dum Pops classroom is filled with opportunities for the children to develop the key areas of their learning.

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Whistle Pops

Whistle Pops is designed to fine-tune the skills of preschoolers, instill confidence and inspire creativity through play.

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